Return a customer's previous purchase

In this section, weโ€™re going to display the customerโ€™s previous purchases.

1. Navigate back to the Query Editor.

2. Open a new tab by clicking on the + sign:

3. When we look at the CustomerPurchaseActivities collection fields, weโ€™ll notice that the purchased fields has an array of product ids. In order to flatten the data, weโ€™ll need to UNNEST() it. We did this earlier when we wrote the recommendation query. To only show a customerโ€™s purchases, we can use the WHERE clause.

Action Item: In the new empty editor, paste this code:

Major SQL code highlights:

  • We added lines 1-9 .

  • On line 5 we flatten the array so we can get the product ids.

  • On line 7 we are grabbing a specific user via a parameter, :userid.

4. In order to run the query, weโ€™ll need to create a parameter. Navigate to the Parameters tab and click on Add Parameter:

5. Add the parameter details and click on Add:

6. Run the query! The results should look something like this:

If nothing is returned, changed the parameter value to a different number.

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